Monday, November 22, 2010


Had a surprise birthday bash by my housemate today morning! It's fun, though I'm still in my sleepy state when it started! We had so many things to eat we can't finished them.. XD Gonna continue later for lunch or dinner maybe? Haha!! :P Thank you so much for celebrating my birthday everyone! ^^ Still don't like the idea that I'm 20 right now, never once felt that I'm mature enough for my age.. haha!

Now I'm in a confusing state, happy for the celebration, but sad that I gotta cram for ToI final exam tomorrow.. gonna let out my frustration, AAAAHHHHHHH!!!! And Kevin, our lecturer, don't allow us to bring notes too even though we can bring it during mid sem test. Why?!! There's so many formulas to memorize I'm going crazy. I don't feel like studying at all, I wanna play, I wanna keep on watching anime forever and ever.. XD But for now, I guess I had no choice but to bury this desire of mine and then play till I drop dead tomorrow after exam.. Wahahaha!!!!!

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